Castro-SBU / 2023-04-24-001/

Test run note:
copy_benchmarks used -- no new tests run

Benchmarks updated
comment: update due to compiler upgrades; massive_star due to problem changes

test input parameter file: ./Castro-tests.ini

No git update done


test nameresultcomment
massive_starBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is massive_star_plt00010
massive_star-sdcBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is massive_star-sdc_plt00010
novaBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is nova_plt00010
scf-testBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is scf-test_plt00000
wdmerger_tdeBENCHMARK UPDATEDnew benchmark file is wdmerger_tde_plt00044