testTopDir = .
webTopDir  = www

sourceTree = C_Src
numMakeJobs = 30

suiteName = Castro-SBU
sub_title = gfortran version

goUpLink = 1

reportActiveTestsOnly = 1

COMP = gnu

purge_output = 1

summary_job_info_field1 = EOS
summary_job_info_field2 = NETWORK

globalAddToExecString = fab.format=NATIVE amrex.fpe_trap_invalid=1 castro.store_omegadot=1 castro.store_burn_weights=1
# castro.abort_on_invalid_params=1

# MPIcommand should use the placeholders:
#   @host@ to indicate where to put the hostname to run on
#   @nprocs@ to indicate where to put the number of processors
#   @command@ to indicate where to put the command to run
# only tests with useMPI = 1 will run in parallel
# nprocs is problem dependent and specified in the individual problem
# sections.

MPIcommand = mpiexec -n @nprocs@ @command@

default_branch = development

# email
sendEmailWhenFail = 0
emailTo = castro-development@googlegroups.com
emailBody = check http://groot.astro.sunysb.edu/Castro/test-suite/gfortran/

# slack
slack_post = 1
slack_webhookfile = /raid/testing/.slack.webhook
slack_channel = "#castro"
slack_username = "i am groot"

use_ctools = 0

dir = amrex
branch = development
#branch = 23.02

dir = Castro
branch = development
#branch = rm_max_radius_all_in_domain
# this is a safeguard in case any problem GNUmakefiles hardcode in CASTRO_HOME
comp_string = CASTRO_HOME=@source@

dir = Microphysics
branch = development
#branch = fix_true_sdc_comp
#branch = enforce_namespaces
comp_string = MICROPHYSICS_HOME=@self@

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/
inputFile = inputs-test1-helm
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/testsuite_analysis/test1-helm.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sod_stellar-test1-2d.png
keywords = helm, not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/
inputFile = inputs-test1-helm
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/testsuite_analysis/test1-helm.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sod_stellar-test1-tau-2d.png
keywords = helm, not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/
inputFile = inputs-test2-helm
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/testsuite_analysis/test2-helm.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sod_stellar-test2-2d.png
keywords = helm, not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/
inputFile = inputs-test3-helm
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod_stellar/testsuite_analysis/test3-helm.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sod_stellar-test3-2d.png
keywords = helm, not3d

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/hydrostatic_adjust
inputFile = inputs
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = spherical.hse.640
dim = 1
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
debug = 1
keywords = helm, gravity, not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Sedov/
inputFile = inputs.2d.sph_in_cylcoords.testsuite
dim = 2
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sedov/testsuite_analysis/sedov_2d_sph_in_cyl.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sedov-2d.png
keywords = not3d, quick

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Sedov/
inputFile = inputs.2d.cyl_in_cartcoords.testsuite
dim = 2
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sedov/testsuite_analysis/sedov_2d_cyl_in_cart.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sedov-2d-tau.png
keywords = not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Sedov/
inputFile = inputs.3d.sph.testsuite
dim = 3
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
useOMP = 0
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sedov/testsuite_analysis/sedov_3d_sph.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sedov-3d.png
keywords = plm, quick

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/Noh
inputFile = inputs_3d
dim = 3
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
useOMP = 0
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
runtime_params = max_step=10

buildDir = Exec/reacting_tests/reacting_bubble/
inputFile = inputs_2d_test
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = model.hse.cool.coulomb
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
doVis = 1
visVar = "Temp"
keywords = helm, gravity, react, not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/double_bubble/
inputFile = inputs_2d.test
dim = 2
doVis = 0
restartTest = 0
keywords = gravity, not3d
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
doVis = 1
visVar = "Temp"

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/double_mach_reflection/
inputFile = inputs.2d.test
dim = 2
doVis = 0
restartTest = 0
keywords = not3d
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
doVis = 1
visVar = "Temp"

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/gamma_law_bubble/
inputFile = inputs_2d.test
dim = 2
doVis = 0
restartTest = 0
keywords = gravity, not3d
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
doVis = 1
visVar = "Temp"

buildDir = Exec/science/convective_flame
inputFile = inputs.2d.testsuite
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
keywords = gravity, react, not3d, rotation, diffusion

buildDir = Exec/science/Detonation
inputFile = inputs-det-x.test
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, react, not3d, quick

buildDir = Exec/science/Detonation
inputFile = inputs-collision.testsuite
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, react, not3d

buildDir = Exec/science/Detonation
inputFile = inputs-collision.testsuite
runtime_params = castro.time_integration_method=3 integrator.jacobian=3
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, react, not3d, sdc

buildDir = Exec/science/Detonation
inputFile = inputs-det-x.simplified_sdc
runtime_params = max_step=20
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, react, not3d, sdc

buildDir = Exec/science/Detonation
inputFile = inputs-det-x.regrid
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, react, not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/toy_convect
inputFile = inputs_2d
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = toy_nova_constg_tanh2.hse.smooth_3.00.1024
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
runtime_params = max_step=25 amr.max_level=2
keywords = gravity, not3d

buildDir = Exec/science/xrb_mixed
inputFile = inputs_2d
dim = 2
doVis = 0
compileTest = 1
restartTest = 0

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/StarGrav/
inputFile = inputs_2d.test
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = WD_rhoc_2.e9_M_1.1.hse.2560
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
debug = 1
keywords = helm, gravity, not3d, quick

buildDir = Exec/unit_tests/diffusion_test/
inputFile = inputs.2d
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
doVis = 1
visVar = "Temp"
debug = 1
keywords = diffusion, not3d

buildDir = Exec/reacting_tests/toy_flame/
inputFile = inputs.1d.testsuite
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
debug = 1
keywords = diffusion, react, not3d

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/oddeven/
inputFile = inputs.3d
dim = 3
doVis = 1
visVar = "density"
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
keywords = plm

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/oddeven/
inputFile = inputs.2d
dim = 2
doVis = 1
visVar = "pressure"
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
keywords = not3d, plm

buildDir = Exec/science/bwp-rad/
inputFile = inputs_2d.test
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 12
useOMP = 0
numthreads = 0
link1File = SolarLike_0.2M.hse.1280
keywords = rad, gravity, not3d

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadThermalWave/
inputFile = inputs.1d.test
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
keywords = rad, not3d

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadThermalWave/
inputFile = inputs.2d.test
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
useOMP = 0
keywords = rad, not3d

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadThermalWave/
inputFile = inputs.3d.test
dim = 3
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
useOMP = 0
keywords = rad

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M2.test
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
debug = 1
keywords = rad, not3d

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M5
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
debug = 1
keywords = rad, not3d
runtime_params = amr.max_level=2 amr.plot_files_output=1

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M2.test
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
debug = 1
restartTest = 1
restartFileNum = 1000
keywords = rad, not3d

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M2.test.multid
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
debug = 1
keywords = rad, not3d

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M2.test.multid
dim = 3
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
debug = 1
keywords = rad, quick

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M5.mg.test
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
keywords = rad, not3d
addToCompileString = NGROUPS=16

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M5.mg.test.multid
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
keywords = rad, not3d
addToCompileString = NGROUPS=16

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/Rad2Tshock/
inputFile = inputs.M5.mg.test.multid
dim = 3
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
keywords = rad
addToCompileString = NGROUPS=16

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadSphere/
inputFile = inputs
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
analysisRoutine = Exec/radiation_tests/RadSphere/testsuite_analysis/radsphere.py
#analysisMainArgs = repos[test.extra_build_dir].dir
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = radsphere.png
keywords = rad, not3d
addToCompileString = NGROUPS=60

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadShestakovBolstad
inputFile = inputs.common
dim = 1
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = rad, not3d
addToCompileString = NGROUPS=64

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadSuOlson
inputFile = inputs
dim = 1
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = rad, not3d
addToCompileString = NGROUPS=1

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadSuOlsonMG
inputFile = inputs.common
dim = 1
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = rad, not3d
addToCompileString = NGROUPS=2

buildDir = Exec/radiation_tests/RadBreakout
inputFile = inputs.1d.test
link1File = model.input.87a.23
dim = 1
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
keywords = rad, not3d, gravity

buildDir = Exec/science/wdmerger/tests/wdmerger_2D
inputFile = inputs_test_wdmerger_2D
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
link1File = helm_table.dat
debug = 1
keywords = helm, gravity, not3d, rotation, react, quick

buildDir = Exec/science/wdmerger/tests/wdmerger_retry
inputFile = inputs_test_wdmerger_retry
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
link1File = helm_table.dat
debug = 1
keywords = helm, gravity, not3d, rotation

buildDir = Exec/science/wdmerger/tests/wdmerger_retry
inputFile = inputs_test_wdmerger_retry
runtime_params = castro.time_integration_method=3
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
link1File = helm_table.dat
debug = 1
keywords = helm, gravity, not3d, sdc, rotation

buildDir = Exec/science/wdmerger/tests/wdmerger_3D
inputFile = inputs_test_wdmerger_3D
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
link1File = helm_table.dat
debug = 1
keywords = helm, gravity, rotation, hybrid

buildDir = Exec/science/wdmerger/tests/wdmerger_collision
inputFile = inputs_test_wdmerger_collision
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
link1File = helm_table.dat
debug = 1
keywords = helm, gravity, react, rotation, hybrid

buildDir = Exec/science/wdmerger/tests/tde
inputFile = inputs.test
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
link1File = helm_table.dat
debug = 0
keywords = helm, gravity, pointmass, hybrid

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/RT
inputFile = inputs_2d
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
debug = 0
keywords = gravity
runtime_params = max_step=100

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/KH
inputFile = inputs.2d
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
debug = 0
runtime_params = max_step=100

buildDir = Exec/science/massive_star
inputFile = inputs_2d.nse
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
useOMP = 0
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = 15m_500_sec.aprox19.hse.20.0km
link3File = nse19.tbl
debug = 0
keywords = helm, gravity, react, not3d, nse
runtime_params = max_step=10 amr.n_cell=256 512
addToCompileString = USE_NSE=TRUE NETWORK_DIR=aprox19

buildDir = Exec/science/massive_star
inputFile = inputs_2d.nse.sdc
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
useOMP = 0
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = 15m_500_sec.aprox19.hse.20.0km
link3File = nse19.tbl
debug = 0
keywords = helm, gravity, react, not3d, nse, sdc
runtime_params = max_step=10 amr.n_cell=256 512

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/rotating_torus
inputFile = inputs_3d.test
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
debug = 1
keywords = rotation, gravity, hybrid

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/rotating_torus
inputFile = inputs_3d.test
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
restartTest = 1
restartFileNum = 5
debug = 0
keywords = rotation, gravity

buildDir = Exec/science/flame_wave
inputFile = inputs_2d.testsuite
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
compileTest = 0
keywords = helm, diffusion, not3d, rotation, react, gravity, quick

buildDir = Exec/science/subchandra
inputFile = inputs_2d.N14
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = sub_chandra.M_WD-1.10.M_He-0.050.hse.CO.N14.10.00km
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
compileTest = 0
keywords = helm, not3d, react, gravity, quick
runtime_params = amr.max_level=2 max_step=10 amrex.regtest_reduction=1

buildDir = Exec/science/nova
inputFile = inputs_nova_t7
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = glasner_T7_1e+04cm.hse
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
compileTest = 0
keywords = helm, not3d, react, gravity
runtime_params = max_step=10  amr.max_level=2
addToCompileString = USE_CUDA=FALSE

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/evrard_collapse
inputFile = inputs.test
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 4
debug = 1
keywords = gravity, plm, quick

# [Detonation-new-SDC]
# buildDir = Exec/science/Detonation
# inputFile = inputs-det-x.sdc.test
# link1File = helm_table.dat
# dim = 1
# doVis = 0
# useOMP = 0
# numthreads = 4
# useMPI = 1
# numprocs = 4
# keywords = helm, react, not3d, sdc, MOL, plm
# runtime_params = integrator.jacobian=2

# [Detonation-new-SDC-2nd]
# buildDir = Exec/science/Detonation
# inputFile = inputs-det-x.sdc.test
# link1File = helm_table.dat
# dim = 1
# doVis = 0
# useOMP = 0
# numthreads = 4
# useMPI = 1
# numprocs = 4
# keywords = helm, react, not3d, sdc, MOL, plm
# runtime_params = castro.sdc_order=2

buildDir = Exec/science/flame
inputFile = inputs.1d.sdc.test.3alpha
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
numthreads = 4
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, react, not3d, sdc, MOL, diffusion
addToCompileString = NETWORK_DIR=triple_alpha_plus_cago INTEGRATOR_DIR=VODE USE_TRUE_SDC=TRUE
runtime_params = castro.sdc_solver=1 castro.sdc_use_analytic_jac=1

buildDir = Exec/science/flame
inputFile = inputs.1d.sdc.test
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, react, not3d, sdc, MOL, diffusion
runtime_params = castro.sdc_solver=2 castro.sdc_use_analytic_jac=0 integrator.jacobian=2

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/acoustic_pulse
inputFile = inputs.128.sdc4.testsuite
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = not3d, sdc, fourthorder, MOL

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/acoustic_pulse
inputFile = inputs.128.sdc2.testsuite
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = not3d, sdc, MOL

buildDir = Exec/hydro_tests/acoustic_pulse_general
inputFile = inputs.128.sdc4.testsuite
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, not3d, sdc, fourthorder, MOL

buildDir = Exec/reacting_tests/nse_test
inputFile = inputs.64
link1File = helm_table.dat
link2File = nse19.tbl
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, not3d, nse, react

buildDir = Exec/reacting_tests/reacting_convergence
inputFile = inputs.128.testsuite
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
keywords = helm, not3d, sdc, fourthorder, MOL, react

buildDir = Exec/reacting_tests/reacting_convergence
inputFile = inputs.128.testsuite
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
keywords = helm, not3d, sdc, fourthorder, MOL, react

buildDir = Exec/reacting_tests/reacting_convergence
inputFile = inputs.64.testsuite.simplified_sdc
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 16
keywords = helm, not3d, sdc, react

buildDir = Exec/reacting_tests/bubble_convergence
inputFile = inputs_2d.64
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 2
doVis = 0
useOMP = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
keywords = helm, not3d, sdc, fourthorder, MOL, react

buildDir = Exec/mhd_tests/BrioWu
inputFile = inputs.sod.test
dim = 3
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 0
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
analysisRoutine = Exec/hydro_tests/Sod/testsuite_analysis/sod.py
analysisMainArgs = source_dir
analysisOutputImage = Sod-mhd.png
keywords = MHD
addToCompileString = USE_MHD=TRUE
runtime_params = amr.plot_files_output=1

buildDir = Exec/mhd_tests/species/
inputFile = inputs.test
dim = 3
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 0
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
keywords = MHD
addToCompileString = USE_MHD=TRUE
runtime_params = amr.plot_files_output=1

buildDir = Exec/mhd_tests/BrioWu
inputFile = inputs.briowu.test
dim = 3
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 0
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
keywords = MHD, quick
addToCompileString = USE_MHD=TRUE
runtime_params = amr.plot_files_output=1

buildDir = Exec/mhd_tests/OrszagTang
inputFile = inputs.test
dim = 3
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 4
useOMP = 0
compileTest = 0
doVis = 0
keywords = MHD
addToCompileString = USE_MHD=TRUE
runtime_params = amr.plot_files_output=1

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/hse_convergence
inputFile = inputs.sdc2-pslope-reflect.testsuite
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
debug = 0
addToCompileString = USE_TRUE_SDC=TRUE
keywords = sdc, gravity, plm

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/hse_convergence
inputFile = inputs.sdc4-reflect.testsuite
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 1
useOMP = 0
numprocs = 8
debug = 0
addToCompileString = USE_TRUE_SDC=TRUE
keywords = sdc, gravity

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/hse_convergence_general
inputFile = inputs_1d.128.hse_test
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 1
doVis = 0
compileTest = 0
restartTest = 0
useMPI = 0
useOMP = 1
numthreads = 8
debug = 0
keywords = gravity
runtime_params = max_step=100

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/DustCollapse
inputFile = inputs_3d_poisson_regtest
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
useOMP = 0
debug = 0
restartTest = 0
runtime_params = amr.blocking_factor=8
keywords = gravity

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/DustCollapse
inputFile = inputs_3d_monopole_regtest
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
useOMP = 0
debug = 0
restartTest = 0
runtime_params = amr.blocking_factor=8
keywords = gravity, quick

buildDir = Exec/gravity_tests/DustCollapse
inputFile = inputs_2d_poisson_regtest
dim = 2
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
useOMP = 0
debug = 0
restartTest = 0
runtime_params = amr.blocking_factor=8
keywords = gravity, quick

buildDir = Exec/scf_tests/single_star
inputFile = inputs_helm_nonrotating.test
link1File = helm_table.dat
dim = 3
useMPI = 1
numprocs = 8
useOMP = 0
debug = 0
restartTest = 0
keywords = gravity, quick