# The parameter is the same as Hayes & Norman 2003: epsilon = 0.1

# ------------------  INPUTS TO MAIN PROGRAM  -------------------
max_step  = 1000000    # maximum timestep
stop_time = 3.3356409519815207e-12   # tau = 0.01
#stop_time = 1.0006922855944561e-10   # tau = 0.3

geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 0

geometry.coord_sys = 0  # 0 => cart, 1 => RZ, 2 => Spherical

geometry.prob_lo   =   0.0  0.0   0.0
geometry.prob_hi   =   5.0  1.    1.

amr.n_cell   = 128  8  8

amr.max_level       = 0       # maximum level number allowed
amr.ref_ratio       = 2 2 2 2 # refinement ratio
amr.regrid_int      = 2 2 2 2 # how often to regrid
amr.blocking_factor = 8       # block factor in grid generation
amr.max_grid_size   = 64
amr.n_error_buf     = 2 2 2 2 # number of buffer cells in error est
amr.n_proper        = 1       # default value
amr.grid_eff        = 0.7     # what constitutes an efficient grid

amr.refinement_indicators = denerr dengrad presserr pressgrad

amr.refine.denerr.value_greater = 3
amr.refine.denerr.field_name = density
amr.refine.denerr.max_level = 3

amr.refine.dengrad.gradient = 0.01
amr.refine.dengrad.field_name = density
amr.refine.dengrad.max_level = 3

amr.refine.presserr.value_greater = 3
amr.refine.presserr.field_name = pressure
amr.refine.presserr.max_level = 3

amr.refine.pressgrad.gradient = 0.01
amr.refine.pressgrad.field_name = pressure
amr.refine.pressgrad.max_level = 3

amr.check_file      = chk     # root name of checkpoint file
amr.check_int       = 10000      # number of timesteps between checkpoints

amr.plot_files_output       = 1 
amr.plot_file       = plt_
amr.plot_int        = 10000     # number of timesteps between plot files
amr.derive_plot_vars = ALL

eos.eos_const_c_v = 3.02584e-13
eos.eos_c_v_exp_m = 0.0e0
eos.eos_c_v_exp_n = -3.0e0

opacity.const_kappa_p = 1.0e0
opacity.kappa_p_exp_m = 0.0e0
opacity.kappa_p_exp_n = 0.0e0
opacity.kappa_p_exp_p = 0.0e0

opacity.const_kappa_r = 1.0e0
opacity.kappa_r_exp_m = 0.0e0
opacity.kappa_r_exp_n = 0.0e0
opacity.kappa_r_exp_p = 0.0e0

opacity.kappa_floor = 1.e-15

amr.v = 1
amr.grid_log        = grdlog  # name of grid logging file

# >>>>>>>>>>>>>  BC FLAGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
# 0 = Interior           3 = Symmetry
# 1 = Inflow             4 = SlipWall
# 2 = Outflow            5 = NoSlipWall
# >>>>>>>>>>>>>  BC FLAGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
castro.lo_bc       =  2    4    4
castro.hi_bc       =  2    4    4

castro.do_grav        = 0
castro.do_hydro       = 0
castro.do_radiation   = 1
castro.do_reflux      = 1       # 1 => do refluxing
castro.do_react       = 0       # reactions?

# hydro cutoff parameters
# castro.small_dens     = 1.e-20
castro.small_temp = 0.0

# External source terms
castro.add_ext_src=0            #  Add external source terms

castro.cfl            = 0.5     # cfl number for hyperbolic system
castro.init_shrink    = 0.1     # scale back initial timestep
castro.change_max     = 1.2 
#castro.initial_dt     = 5.0e-15

castro.fixed_dt       = 1.0e-13

castro.sum_interval   = 1       # timesteps between computing mass
castro.v = 1

# ------------------  INPUTS TO RADIATION CLASS  -------------------

##### SolverType #####
# 0: single group diffusion w/o coupling to hydro
# 5: SGFLD       6: MGFLD
radiation.SolverType = 0

radiation.reltol  = 1.e-6 # relative tolerance for implicit update loop
radiation.abstol  = 1.e-26
radiation.maxiter = 50    # return after numiter iterations if not converged

radiation.limiter = 0     # 0 = no limiter
                          # 2 = correct form of Lev-Pom limiter

# how many times during an iteration do we update the limiter, planck
# and rosseland mean opacities?  Large values mean keep updating until
# convergence.  
radiation.update_limiter = 1000
radiation.update_planck = 1000 
radiation.update_rosseland = 1000

radiation.delta_temp            = 1.0e-6

radiation.v               = 2    # verbosity

# We set radiation boundary conditions directly since they do not
# correspond neatly to the physical boundary conditions used for the fluid.
# The choices are:
# 101 = LO_DIRICHLET           102 = LO_NEUMANN
# 104 = LO_MARSHAK             105 = LO_SANCHEZ_POMRANING

radiation.lo_bc     = 104 102 102
radiation.hi_bc     = 102 102 102

# For each boundary, we can specify either a constant boundary value
# or use a Fortran function FORT_RADBNDRY to specify values that vary
# in space and time.

# If bcflag is 0 then bcval is used, otherwise FORT_RADBNDRY used:

radiation.lo_bcflag = 0 0 0
radiation.hi_bcflag = 0 0 0

# bcval is interpreted differently depending on the boundary condition
# 101 = LO_DIRICHLET           bcval is Dirichlet value of rad energy density
# 102 = LO_NEUMANN             bcval is inward flux of rad energy
# 104 = LO_MARSHAK             bcval is incident flux
# 105 = LO_SANCHEZ_POMRANING   bcval is incident flux

radiation.lo_bcval = 1.0 0.0 0.0
radiation.hi_bcval = 0.0 0.0 0.0

# ------------------  INPUTS TO RADIATION SOLVER CLASS  -------------------

# solver flag values <  100 use HypreABec, support symmetric matrices only
# solver flag values >= 100 use HypreMultiABec, support nonsymmetric matrices
# PFMG does not support 1D.
# ParCSR does not work for periodic boundaries.
# For MGFLD with accelerate = 2, must use >=100.
# 0     SMG
# 1     PFMG  (>= 2D only)
# 100   AMG   using ParCSR ObjectType
# 102   GMRES using ParCSR ObjectType
# 103   GMRES using SStruct ObjectType
# 104   GMRES using AMG as preconditioner
# 109   GMRES using Struct SMG/PFMG as preconditioner
# 150   AMG   using ParCSR ObjectType
# 1002  PCG   using ParCSR ObjectType
# 1003  PCG   using SStruct ObjectType

radsolve.level_solver_flag = 0   # can be any supported hypre solver flag

radsolve.reltol     = 1.0e-11 # relative tolerance
radsolve.abstol     = 0.0     # absolute tolerance (often not necessary)
radsolve.maxiter    = 200     # linear solver iteration limit

radsolve.v = 1      # verbosity

hmabec.verbose = 2  # verbosity for HypreMultiABec solvers
habec.verbose  = 2  # verbosity for HypreABec solvers

# The default strategy is SFC.
DistributionMapping.strategy = ROUNDROBIN
DistributionMapping.strategy = KNAPSACK
DistributionMapping.strategy = SFC