# ------------------ INPUTS TO MAIN PROGRAM ------------------- max_step = 10 # PROBLEM SIZE & GEOMETRY geometry.coord_sys = 0 geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 0 geometry.prob_lo = -1.6e9 -1.6e9 -1.6e9 geometry.prob_hi = 1.6e9 1.6e9 1.6e9 amr.n_cell = 64 64 64 # >>>>>>>>>>>>> BC FLAGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< # 0 = Interior 3 = Symmetry # 1 = Inflow 4 = SlipWall # 2 = Outflow 5 = NoSlipWall # >>>>>>>>>>>>> BC FLAGS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< castro.lo_bc = 2 2 2 castro.hi_bc = 2 2 2 # WHICH PHYSICS castro.do_hydro = 1 castro.do_grav = 1 castro.ppm_type = 0 castro.use_pslope = 1 castro.small_dens = 1.0e-2 castro.small_temp = 1.0e0 # GRAVITY gravity.gravity_type = PoissonGrav # Full self-gravity with the Poisson equation gravity.max_multipole_order = 2 # Multipole expansion includes terms up to r**(-max_multipole_order) # TIME STEP CONTROL castro.cfl = 0.5 # cfl number for hyperbolic system castro.init_shrink = 0.1 # scale back initial timestep castro.change_max = 1.1 # maximum increase in dt over successive steps # DIAGNOSTICS & VERBOSITY castro.sum_interval = 1 # timesteps between computing integrals castro.v = 1 # verbosity in Castro.cpp amr.v = 1 # verbosity in Amr.cpp gravity.v = 1 # verbosity in Gravity.cpp amr.data_log = grid_diag.out # REFINEMENT / REGRIDDING amr.max_level = 1 # maximum level number allowed amr.ref_ratio = 2 amr.blocking_factor = 8 # block factor in grid generation amr.max_grid_size = 32 amr.refinement_indicators = denerr amr.refine.denerr.value_greater = 5.0e6 amr.refine.denerr.field_name = density # CHECKPOINT FILES amr.check_file = chk # root name of checkpoint file amr.check_per = 0.1 # amount of simulation time between checkpoints # PLOTFILES amr.plot_file = plt # root name of plotfile amr.plot_per = 0.1 # amount of simulation time between plotfiles amr.derive_plot_vars = ALL # EOS eos.eos_assume_neutral = 1