# INITIAL MODEL maestro.model_file = "5peaks_const_grav.dat" maestro.ppm_type = 2 maestro.drdxfac = 5 # GRIDDING AND REFINEMENT amr.max_level = 0 # maximum level number allowed amr.n_cell = 128 128 amr.max_grid_size = 32 amr.refine_grid_layout = 0 # chop grids up into smaller grids if nprocs > ngrids # PROBLEM SIZE geometry.prob_lo = 0.0 0.0 geometry.prob_hi = 1.2e10 1.2e10 maestro.max_step = 50 maestro.do_initial_projection = true maestro.init_divu_iter = 3 maestro.init_iter = 1 maestro.stop_time = 1.e9 # PLOTFILES maestro.plot_base_name = plt # root name of plot file maestro.plot_int = 100 # number of timesteps between plot files # CHECKPOINT maestro.check_base_name = chk maestro.chk_int = 1000 # TIME STEPPING maestro.cfl = 0.3 # cfl number for hyperbolic system # In this test problem, the velocity is # time-dependent. We could use 0.9 in # the 3D test, but need to use 0.7 in 2D # to satisfy CFL condition. maestro.init_shrink = 0.1 maestro.max_dt_growth = 1.05e0 # BOUNDARY CONDITIONS # 0 = Interior 3 = Symmetry # 1 = Inflow 4 = Slipwall # 2 = Outflow 5 = NoSlipWall maestro.lo_bc = 4 4 maestro.hi_bc = 4 4 geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 # VERBOSITY maestro.v = 1 # verbosity # DEBUG FOR NAN amrex.fpe_trap_invalid = 1 # floating point exception # tolerances for the initial projection maestro.eps_init_proj_cart = 1.e-12 maestro.eps_init_proj_sph = 1.e-10 # tolerances for the divu iterations maestro.eps_divu_cart = 1.e-9 maestro.eps_divu_sph = 1.e-9 maestro.divu_iter_factor = 1000. maestro.divu_level_factor = 10. # tolerances for the MAC projection maestro.eps_mac = 1.e-10 maestro.eps_mac_max = 1.e-8 maestro.mac_level_factor = 10. maestro.eps_mac_bottom = 1.e-3 # tolerances for the nodal projection maestro.eps_hg = 1.e-10 maestro.eps_hg_max = 1.e-9 maestro.hg_level_factor = 10. maestro.eps_hg_bottom = 1.e-4 # ALGORITHMIC OPTIONS maestro.spherical = 0 maestro.evolve_base_state = false maestro.anelastic_cutoff_density = 0.2e0 maestro.base_cutoff_density = 0.2e0 maestro.buoyancy_cutoff_factor = 2 maestro.do_sponge = 1 maestro.sponge_center_density = 1.e0 maestro.sponge_start_factor = 1.2e0 maestro.sponge_kappa = 2.e5 maestro.use_soundspeed_firstdt = true maestro.use_divu_firstdt = false #maestro.fixed_dt = 1.e-5 maestro.grav_const = -5.e4 # OMP settings amrex.regtest_reduction = 1 # GPU parameters maestro.deterministic_nodal_solve = true &probin ! override the default values of the probin namelist values here velpert_amplitude = 2.d2 velpert_radius = 1.0d10 velpert_scale = 1.1d10 velpert_steep = 1.d0 !extern ! Note that some of the parameters in this ! namelist are specific to the default EOS, ! network, and/or integrator used in the ! makefile. If you try a different set of ! microphysics routines be sure to check that ! the parameters in here are consistent, as ! Fortran does not like seeing unknown variables ! in the namelist. use_eos_coulomb = F /