MPI initialized with 16 MPI processes MPI initialized with thread support level 0 AMReX (22.02-15-g067830e6c9fe) initialized Calling Setup() Calling ReadParameters() reading extern runtime parameters ... Calling VariableSetup() Calling BCSetup() Calling BaseStateGeometry::Init() Calling Init() Calling InitData() initdata model_File = kepler_new_6.25e8.hybrid.hse.320 model file = kepler_new_6.25e8.hybrid.hse.320 reading initial model 320 points found in the initial model 6 variables found in the initial model WARNING: variable not found: ash WARNING: magnesium-24 not provided in inputs file model file mapping (spherical base state) dr of MAESTRO base state = 1562500.000000 dr of input file data = 1562500.000000 maximum radius (cell-centered) of input model = 499218750.000000 setting r_cutoff to 119 radius at r_cutoff 186718750 Maximum HSE Error = 0.001223 (after putting initial model into base state arrays, and for density < base_cutoff_density) Writing plotfile wdconvect_pltInitData after InitData inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.551665489 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Doing initial projection Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 82563057.54 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 82563057.54 MLMG: Final Iter. 9 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.005926387385, 7.178013462e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.161210753 Iter = 0.155753911 Bottom = 0.000217945 Done calling nodal solver Writing plotfile wdconvect_pltafter_InitProj after InitProj inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.508554953 Call to firstdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 0.005784714117 Multiplying dt_lev by init_shrink; dt_lev = 0.0005784714117 Minimum firstdt over all levels = 0.0005784714117 Doing initial divu iteration #1 Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 33867874.62 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 33867874.62 MLMG: Final Iter. 2 resid, resid/bnorm = 3.815648268, 1.126627611e-07 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.037743615 Iter = 0.033586692 Bottom = 5.2963e-05 Done calling nodal solver Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 7.317922768 Minimum estdt over all levels = 7.317922768 Call to estdt at end of istep_divu_iter = 1 gives dt = 7.317922768 Multiplying dt by init_shrink; dt = 0.7317922768 Ignoring this new dt since it's larger than the previous dt = 0.0005784714117 Doing initial divu iteration #2 Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 18563788.14 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 18563788.14 MLMG: Final Iter. 3 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.01319524122, 7.108054198e-10 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.069795268 Iter = 0.062967877 Bottom = 6.7711e-05 Done calling nodal solver Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 7.317922768 Minimum estdt over all levels = 7.317922768 Call to estdt at end of istep_divu_iter = 2 gives dt = 7.317922768 Multiplying dt by init_shrink; dt = 0.7317922768 Ignoring this new dt since it's larger than the previous dt = 0.0005784714117 Doing initial divu iteration #3 Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 11712254.75 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 11712254.75 MLMG: Final Iter. 5 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.000411467161, 3.513133634e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.092719157 Iter = 0.087769475 Bottom = 0.000101292 Done calling nodal solver Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 7.317922768 Minimum estdt over all levels = 7.317922768 Call to estdt at end of istep_divu_iter = 3 gives dt = 7.317922768 Multiplying dt by init_shrink; dt = 0.7317922768 Ignoring this new dt since it's larger than the previous dt = 0.0005784714117 Writing plotfile wdconvect_pltafter_DivuIter after final DivuIter inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.513058926 Doing initial pressure iteration #1 Timestep 0 starts with TIME = 0 DT = 0.0005784714117 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97092934.21 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 97092934.21 MLMG: Final Iter. 37 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.007776878774, 8.009726802e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.178969014 Iter = 0.175703176 Bottom = 0.001090868 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97092926.53 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 33.50478101 MLMG: Final Iter. 15 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.007388822734, 7.610052553e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.073918488 Iter = 0.071452653 Bottom = 0.000462906 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 140047333.5 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 140047333.5 MLMG: Final Iter. 7 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.0005536559038, 3.953348414e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.122359741 Iter = 0.118017474 Bottom = 0.000138419 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 0 ends with TIME = 0.0005784714117 DT = 0.0005784714117 Timing summary: Advection :0.483328164 seconds MAC Proj :0.26306706 seconds Nodal Proj :0.147190804 seconds Reactions :0.739719338 seconds Misc :0.131487429 seconds Base State :0.002101683 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.787986488 Writing plotfile 0 after all initialization inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.511116016 Calling Evolve() Timestep 1 starts with TIME = 0 DT = 0.0005784714117 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97078065.69 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 97078065.69 MLMG: Final Iter. 37 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.007705688477, 7.937620535e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.178430358 Iter = 0.175969255 Bottom = 0.001130456 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97078065.58 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 33.56671 MLMG: Final Iter. 15 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.007558591664, 7.786096291e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.074091615 Iter = 0.071612659 Bottom = 0.00047029 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 8056354.77 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 8056354.77 MLMG: Final Iter. 6 resid, resid/bnorm = 2.054224024e-05, 2.549818227e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.105591617 Iter = 0.101242237 Bottom = 0.000124455 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 1 ends with TIME = 0.0005784714117 DT = 0.0005784714117 Timing summary: Advection :0.470322484 seconds MAC Proj :0.261881584 seconds Nodal Proj :0.130541724 seconds Reactions :0.748756537 seconds Misc :0.13013533 seconds Base State :0.002057185 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.764324933 Writing plotfile 1 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.518956087 Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 1.410009316 Minimum estdt over all levels = 1.410009316 Call to estdt at beginning of step 2 gives dt =1.410009316 dt_growth factor limits the new dt = 0.0006363185529 Timestep 2 starts with TIME = 0.0005784714117 DT = 0.0006363185529 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 92795890.89 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 92795890.89 MLMG: Final Iter. 9 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.00801897049, 8.641514633e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.045503311 Iter = 0.043044928 Bottom = 0.000267898 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 92795890.32 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 967.0404358 MLMG: Final Iter. 4 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.00618847087, 6.668906186e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.021750584 Iter = 0.019270027 Bottom = 0.000128518 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 5904879.925 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 5904879.925 MLMG: Final Iter. 30 resid, resid/bnorm = 4.344806075e-05, 7.357992254e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.509423301 Iter = 0.505107768 Bottom = 0.000537867 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 2 ends with TIME = 0.001214789965 DT = 0.0006363185529 Timing summary: Advection :0.47231765 seconds MAC Proj :0.076633997 seconds Nodal Proj :0.53431865 seconds Reactions :0.751947385 seconds Misc :0.129398055 seconds Base State :0.001972148 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.964910718 Writing plotfile 2 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.521038289 Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 1.702907662 Minimum estdt over all levels = 1.702907662 Call to estdt at beginning of step 3 gives dt =1.702907662 dt_growth factor limits the new dt = 0.0006999504082 Timestep 3 starts with TIME = 0.001214789965 DT = 0.0006999504082 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 91006719.25 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 91006719.25 MLMG: Final Iter. 8 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.006969476119, 7.6581995e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.040755211 Iter = 0.038268502 Bottom = 0.000257277 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 91006718.97 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 2.752327208 MLMG: Final Iter. 3 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.007211185992, 7.923795158e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.01671332 Iter = 0.014249345 Bottom = 9.6865e-05 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 4615830.319 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 4615830.319 MLMG: Final Iter. 24 resid, resid/bnorm = 4.371232353e-05, 9.470088913e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.409426479 Iter = 0.405189027 Bottom = 0.000389784 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 3 ends with TIME = 0.001914740373 DT = 0.0006999504082 Timing summary: Advection :0.473210295 seconds MAC Proj :0.066813789 seconds Nodal Proj :0.434388777 seconds Reactions :0.750376407 seconds Misc :0.12964201 seconds Base State :0.002003380001 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.854750575 Writing plotfile 3 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.524673409 Total Time: 13.87842073 Unused ParmParse Variables: [TOP]::maestro.v(nvals = 1) :: [1] [TOP]::amr.ref_ratio(nvals = 6) :: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] [TOP]::amr.check_file(nvals = 1) :: [wdconvect_chk] [TOP]::amr.checkpoint_files_output(nvals = 1) :: [0] AMReX (22.02-15-g067830e6c9fe) finalized