MPI initialized with 16 MPI processes MPI initialized with thread support level 0 AMReX (22.06-13-g7b335c5f9617) initialized Calling Setup() Calling ReadParameters() reading extern runtime parameters ... Calling VariableSetup() Calling BCSetup() Calling BaseStateGeometry::Init() Calling Init() Calling InitData() initdata model_File = kepler_new_6.25e8.hybrid.hse.320 model file = kepler_new_6.25e8.hybrid.hse.320 reading initial model 320 points found in the initial model 6 variables found in the initial model WARNING: variable not found: ash WARNING: magnesium-24 not provided in inputs file model file mapping (spherical base state) dr of MAESTRO base state = 1562500.000000 dr of input file data = 1562500.000000 maximum radius (cell-centered) of input model = 499218750.000000 setting r_cutoff to 119 radius at r_cutoff 186718750 Maximum HSE Error = 0.001223 (after putting initial model into base state arrays, and for density < base_cutoff_density) Writing plotfile wdconvect_pltInitData after InitData inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.604887388 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Doing initial projection Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 82563057.54 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 82563057.54 MLMG: Final Iter. 7 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.0034073852, 4.127009466e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.120442775 Iter = 0.115110808 Bottom = 0.000120658 Done calling nodal solver Writing plotfile wdconvect_pltafter_InitProj after InitProj inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.510422413 Call to firstdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 0.005784714117 Multiplying dt_lev by init_shrink; dt_lev = 0.0005784714117 Minimum firstdt over all levels = 0.0005784714117 Doing initial divu iteration #1 Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 33867874.62 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 33867874.62 MLMG: Final Iter. 2 resid, resid/bnorm = 3.810503026, 1.125108401e-07 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.036473436 Iter = 0.032265945 Bottom = 4.16e-05 Done calling nodal solver Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 7.317922768 Minimum estdt over all levels = 7.317922768 Call to estdt at end of istep_divu_iter = 1 gives dt = 7.317922768 Multiplying dt by init_shrink; dt = 0.7317922768 Ignoring this new dt since it's larger than the previous dt = 0.0005784714117 Doing initial divu iteration #2 Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 18563788.13 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 18563788.13 MLMG: Final Iter. 3 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.01208114775, 6.507910814e-10 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.054162608 Iter = 0.050452718 Bottom = 5.2773e-05 Done calling nodal solver Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 7.317922768 Minimum estdt over all levels = 7.317922768 Call to estdt at end of istep_divu_iter = 2 gives dt = 7.317922768 Multiplying dt by init_shrink; dt = 0.7317922768 Ignoring this new dt since it's larger than the previous dt = 0.0005784714117 Doing initial divu iteration #3 Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 11712254.75 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 11712254.75 MLMG: Final Iter. 4 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.0006385399029, 5.45189561e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.070038456 Iter = 0.065715682 Bottom = 6.7288e-05 Done calling nodal solver Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 7.317922768 Minimum estdt over all levels = 7.317922768 Call to estdt at end of istep_divu_iter = 3 gives dt = 7.317922768 Multiplying dt by init_shrink; dt = 0.7317922768 Ignoring this new dt since it's larger than the previous dt = 0.0005784714117 Writing plotfile wdconvect_pltafter_DivuIter after final DivuIter inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.507029908 Doing initial pressure iteration #1 Timestep 0 starts with TIME = 0 DT = 0.0005784714117 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97092860.59 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 97092860.59 MLMG: Final Iter. 35 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.008760422468, 9.022725683e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.172022733 Iter = 0.168895925 Bottom = 0.000859959 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97092852.33 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 798.794404 MLMG: Final Iter. 10 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.007851108909, 8.086186285e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.051501109 Iter = 0.049590598 Bottom = 0.000260391 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 140046116.2 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 140046116.2 MLMG: Final Iter. 9 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.000976492418, 6.972649044e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.152575346 Iter = 0.148843623 Bottom = 0.000138592 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 0 ends with TIME = 0.0005784714117 DT = 0.0005784714117 Timing summary: Advection :0.451110556 seconds MAC Proj :0.23282064 seconds Nodal Proj :0.176200276 seconds Reactions :0.731328556 seconds Misc :0.131034343 seconds Base State :0.002053838 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.748705559 Writing plotfile 0 after all initialization inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.504318873 Calling Evolve() Timestep 1 starts with TIME = 0 DT = 0.0005784714117 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97077992.24 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 97077992.24 MLMG: Final Iter. 35 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.008694082499, 8.955770816e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.168113132 Iter = 0.166219589 Bottom = 0.000860642 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 97077992.06 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 31.04628393 MLMG: Final Iter. 10 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.008449830115, 8.704166553e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.050215773 Iter = 0.048316815 Bottom = 0.00025541 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 8056355.526 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 8056355.526 MLMG: Final Iter. 6 resid, resid/bnorm = 2.028653398e-05, 2.518078294e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.104097525 Iter = 0.100375732 Bottom = 0.00010523 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 1 ends with TIME = 0.0005784714117 DT = 0.0005784714117 Timing summary: Advection :0.422668785 seconds MAC Proj :0.226508846 seconds Nodal Proj :0.127634681 seconds Reactions :0.732481535 seconds Misc :0.125221153 seconds Base State :0.001869732 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.658655541 Writing plotfile 1 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.513054917 Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 1.410019489 Minimum estdt over all levels = 1.410019489 Call to estdt at beginning of step 2 gives dt =1.410019489 dt_growth factor limits the new dt = 0.0006363185529 Timestep 2 starts with TIME = 0.0005784714117 DT = 0.0006363185529 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 92795852.49 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 92795852.49 MLMG: Final Iter. 8 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.007907798514, 8.521715466e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.040209922 Iter = 0.038310605 Bottom = 0.00020408 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 92795852.46 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 3.473649162 MLMG: Final Iter. 3 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.008926913142, 9.61994842e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.016794876 Iter = 0.014891493 Bottom = 8.3409e-05 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 5904880.705 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 5904880.705 MLMG: Final Iter. 27 resid, resid/bnorm = 4.163011909e-05, 7.050120259e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.448767434 Iter = 0.445005525 Bottom = 0.000376882 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 2 ends with TIME = 0.001214789965 DT = 0.0006363185529 Timing summary: Advection :0.426468902 seconds MAC Proj :0.065223857 seconds Nodal Proj :0.472511129 seconds Reactions :0.733016457 seconds Misc :0.124915198 seconds Base State :0.001921787 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.822438193 Writing plotfile 2 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.689089513 Call to estdt for level 0 gives dt_lev = 1.702944578 Minimum estdt over all levels = 1.702944578 Call to estdt at beginning of step 3 gives dt =1.702944578 dt_growth factor limits the new dt = 0.0006999504082 Timestep 3 starts with TIME = 0.001214789965 DT = 0.0006999504082 Cell Count: Level 0, 262144 cells inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 <<< STEP 1 : react state >>> <<< STEP 2 : make w0 >>> <<< STEP 3 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 91006745.03 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 91006745.03 MLMG: Final Iter. 9 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.005534671247, 6.08160554e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.04579695 Iter = 0.043889663 Bottom = 0.000222504 <<< STEP 4 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 4a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 5 : react state >>> <<< STEP 6 : make new S and new w0 >>> <<< STEP 7 : create MAC velocities >>> MLMG: Initial rhs = 91006744.75 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 2.89146624 MLMG: Final Iter. 4 resid, resid/bnorm = 0.00551360473, 6.058457256e-11 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.020740559 Iter = 0.018842245 Bottom = 0.000106752 <<< STEP 8 : advect base >>> : density_advance >>> : tracer_advance >>> : enthalpy_advance >>> <<< STEP 8a: thermal conduct >>> <<< STEP 9 : react state >>> <<< STEP 10: make new S >>> <<< STEP 11: update and project new velocity >>> Calling nodal solver MLMG: Initial rhs = 4615830.319 MLMG: Initial residual (resid0) = 4615830.319 MLMG: Final Iter. 16 resid, resid/bnorm = 4.573375918e-05, 9.908024347e-12 MLMG: Timers: Solve = 0.269086011 Iter = 0.265320695 Bottom = 0.000232812 Done calling nodal solver Timestep 3 ends with TIME = 0.001914740373 DT = 0.0006999504082 Timing summary: Advection :0.429350868 seconds MAC Proj :0.074768604 seconds Nodal Proj :0.292840595 seconds Reactions :0.735027226 seconds Misc :0.124485763 seconds Base State :0.002354929 seconds Time to advance time step: 1.656807429 Writing plotfile 3 inner sponge: r_sp , r_tp : 152343750, 183593750 outer sponge: r_sp_outer, r_tp_outer: 183593750, 214843750 Time to write plotfile: 0.51638848 Total Time: 13.36936292 Unused ParmParse Variables: [TOP]::maestro.v(nvals = 1) :: [1] [TOP]::amr.ref_ratio(nvals = 6) :: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] [TOP]::amr.check_file(nvals = 1) :: [wdconvect_chk] [TOP]::amr.checkpoint_files_output(nvals = 1) :: [0] AMReX (22.06-13-g7b335c5f9617) finalized